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ASPdev -> ASP Tutorial -> ASP Looping (VBScript Looping)

ASP Looping (VBScript Looping)

Looping permits you to execute a sequence of programming statements again and again. Some of the loops repeat a sequence of statements until a condition is False; others repeat statements until a condition is True; finally some loops repeat a sequence of statements a predetermined number of times.

There are 4 looping statements existing in VBScript:

For Each…Next

The For…Next looping construction repeats a sequence of programming statements a predetermined number of times. Consider the following For…Next VBScript example:

For iCounter = 1 To 10
MsgBox(“Loop step # “ & iCounter)

The For…Next loop above will display 10 VBScript message boxes with the following messages:

Loop step # 1
Loop step # 2

Loop step # 10

You can use the Step keyword, to increase or decrease the loop step:

For iCounter = 1 To 5 Step 2
MsgBox(“# “ & iCounter)

The For…Next loop above will display 3 VBScript message boxes with the following messages, because the iCounter increases with 2 on each loop step:

# 1
# 3
# 5

The For Each…Next statement repeats a sequence of programming statements for each element of an array or for each item in a collection.

Dim arrEmployees
arrEmployees = Array(“Peter”, “Stephen”, “Tracy”, “Jerry”)

For Each Item in arrEmployees

The While…Wend statement repeats a sequence of programming statements while a condition is True.

While iCounter < 10
MsgBox(“Loop step # “ & iCounter)
iCounter = iCounter + 1

The Do…While…Loop statement repeats a sequence of programming statements while or until a condition is True.

Do While iCounter < 10
MsgBox(“Loop step # “ & iCounter)
iCounter = iCounter + 1

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